The Academy, Springtime, and Other Musings
It is good to be back here in College Station, Texas. Sure the view isn’t nearly as magnificent and there are no 1st rate maids to clean my room while I’m away… but it’s great to be back with Jennifer, the Roommates, friends, and this beautiful spring weather. Oh, and did I leave out busyness? Missed that too…
My adventure to the Air Force Academy was nothing short of incredible. Oddly, it is hard for me to expand beyond that. I spent an entire plane ride staring out at Creation with my iPod blaring… and despite hours of conversation with God, I could not begin to wrap my arms around all He is teaching me.
I know I learned leadership techniques and methods of handling responsibility from the great speakers. I know that the Lord kindled my excitement for life after college and the experiences He will lead me through to prepare me for His work. I know that it was refreshing to be amongst the world and the Lost: loving those that need Him the most. And I know that it was restful to peacefully enjoy Him in the Word, in worship, in dialogue, and in silence at the Broadmoor.
Yet, returning to College Station, I realize again how much is taking place. How many people I want to hang out with; jobs I need to take care of; studies I need to stay up with; prayers I need to be praying… the list goes on and on. I realize again how many times I have screwed up this year; how many challenges I have failed at; how many people I have let down; and how out of control I feel like my life is.
And maybe that’s a good thing. In fact, I’m sure it is.
This year has been immensely humbling. I have seen how humanly weak of a person I am.
If it wasn’t for our Father’s grace, I really wouldn’t be anywhere. He is all that carries me through each day. He is my Sustainer, my Life, my Source, my Hope, my Forgiveness, my Passion, my Love, my Truth.
My Everything.
As the Lord often does, He spoke wisely through my roommate last night. Spencer told me, “Derek, this is not all yours to take care of. It would be impossible to micro-manage any of it. So wake up each day and remind the Lord how much you love Him. Tell Him how much you desire to show Him that love… even if you need His guidance in how to express it. Ask Him to help you love people. And with that, your day will be in order.”
Amen, Spence.
God is so good.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of a 40 day period of reflection, repentance, and preparation. Millions will be sharing in this season of Lent, taking stock in their lives and understanding where our Father needs to mold them and grow them, just as Christ did in the desert. Climactically, it will end with Holy Week, Passover, and the celebration of His resurrection on Easter! My favorite time of year.
So, as springtime’s rays peek over the horizon, I expectantly await the incredible season ahead. Oh to see Him on the move.
Live from Colorado
I’m sitting in front of a colossal, marble fireplace at a resort hotel originally built in 1918. Behind me, a water fountain’s cascade tranquilly complements the already peaceful classical music overhead. The Broadmoor certainly is everything that the Travel Channel says it is.
Just yesterday I was standing on a balcony wrapped up in a robe after a five minute hydrotherapy massage in a $100,000 shower, a while in the steam sauna, and some aroma therapy. On this balcony I was drinking hot tea, watching 300 or so Canadian geese and mallards fly in to roost and looking out on the powerful Rocky Mountains just as the sun dipped behind them. That was an evening I will never forget.
The day before that, I was walking across “the Terrazzo” at the United States Air Force Academy alongside an incredible cadet for the National Character and Leadership Symposium. Alex “Pre” Prevendar had to put up with me for 3 days as my escort, roommate, and tag-along. Together, we got to listen to speakers that represent the best of the last century and tomorrow. But I must say, this stud and I had a lot of laughs. In his patience, he answered every repetitive question I could throw at him, took me all across the base, and let me chill with a bunch of men and women that have sworn into serving our nation with their very lives. These are heroes… I felt very minute to stand amongst them.
brief, this is just a glimpse of the incredible trip that has still not ended here in Colorado. I am going to have to stop writing now, simply so I can get back out and enjoy it. This is certainly a something I cannot ever take for granted.
I’ll write more of all the Lord has shown me once I get back. He is so good.
Grace and peace, brothers and sisters.
Meeting with God in Austin
First, to all those who think this title is an oxymoron, the Lord certainly has revealed Himself to me in this “liberal bastion of Texas” many times throughout my life. In fact, I have never been to Austin since becoming a believer without our Father impacting me in a major, life-coaching way. Just for my blog’s sake, I am a firm moderate… I know many genuine, God-centered people who vote both liberally and conservatively.
And if I may, it is an atmosphere like Austin that I thrive on: a collision of all types of peoples, values, backgrounds and beliefs. It is in this atmosphere that I hope to serve my God, amongst humanity, amongst disorder, and amongst those who think “differently.” I find that those outside my socio-economic demographic are often far better at expressing love than I… something rarely taught growing up. Amidst this collision I want to rally beneath the banner of my God and shine the light of truthful love. His truthful love.
Enough about politics…
I just attended A&M’s Abbott Family Leadership Conference. A five day trip of 35 delegates, their directors, and the Abbott family to listen to incredibly successful men and women speak on ethics, morals, service, and the importance of family throughout life.
This is not a faith based conference by any means… but it was hard for most speakers to hide the Foundation of their lives. We listened to non-profit workers, lawyers, doctors, reporters, our Chief Justice, corporation executives, a political think tank president, a Tutsi who fled the genocide of Rwanda, a retired brigadier-general, and the national assistant director of the Peace Corps. This renowned group of individuals all shared their desperate revere of ethics and a deep love for family. We heard advice of all sorts… and were given the opportunity to pick it apart, find what was good, and figure out our own core values.
The experience of a life-time.
Throughout the conference, we pondered many things:
- We collected hopeful family traditions for our future homes from the wide range of successful ideas presented.
- While walking through the Dell Plant, we discussed with each other why we should be born into these high society families, receive a college education, and embrace materialism while all these men and women stood on their feet all day assembling computers by hand.
- We then asked each other whether we should feel sorry for them… or if they rightfully feel sorry for us.
- We considered what types of futures looked most attractive to us and what really matters.
- We debated the use of expectations and how their misuse can spell disaster.
- We realized how undeserving we are and the desperate need to serve others the same way we have been served.
- We whispered of faith and the fact that those who are part of the Way cannot tell their story without mentioning it… because they would not have a story without it.
- And we heard countless “Top 5” or “Key 4” or “Vital 6” things necessary to be a successful leader from the men and women who spoke.
But the greatest revelation that I gained from this trip was understanding the adventure of a life that lies ahead, the fact that tomorrow will always be the best day of my life, and that I will never stop learning.
I realized, last weekend, that my life has far more in store than I imagined. I realized that just as a politician with an undergrad in political science and a JD after law school has a hard time truly representing the common citizen… I would have an even harder time relating to the lives of the Lost by only experiencing Texas A&M, seminary, and full time ministry.
So what is ahead? The Peace Corps? Teach for America? Europe? Asia? Corporate America?
I do not know where the Lord will take me, but I know He is sovereign and is leading me to every place He needs me most.
So, may I embrace Texas A&M for while He has me here and prayerfully await each new stride as it comes.
All for You, Lord. All for You.
Absurdities of Life #1
Last weekend, I saw a man that I have known for most of my life as “Mr. Nickel.”
For 10+ years, our relationship has been one of jokes and laughter during my brother’s athletics… but always one of me as the child and him as the adult. Well, last weekend I realized that my id wasn’t happy with this, or my karma was out of line, or my lack of sleep was calling in its dues… or my egocentric, insubordinate, I’m an adult now because I’m in college attitude spilled over into my formerly consistent relationship with Mr. Nickel… “Hey Derek, how’s it going?” Mr. Nickel asked. “Oh, hey Bruce, how are you?” myself. Both of us were taken aback. Puzzled looks crossed both our faces. Yet, he is a gracious man and mumbled out an abrupt end to the conversation. Quickly we moved on to other shallow minglings.
Don't know if my relationship with the famed Mr. Nickel will ever be the same...
Only I could make that as awkward as it was. Awesome.
Potential Awkwardness Turns Amazingly Awesome
Last night was a new adventure for Jennifer and I: we, as a pair, attended my sister’s couples bridal shower. What an experience.
See, for the first time, she met not only my grandparents but my neighbors, my childhood’s PTA moms, classic little league dads that had helped raise me, family friends full of embarrassing secrets, former elementary school teachers of mine, high school contemporaries anxious to know this “new girl” and adults who love me far more than I can ever imagine.
But the best part was I got to show her off to all of them.
I had the amazing blessing of parading her through a crowd of my most revered people and showing them the light that the Lord shines out from her! It was one of the greatest moments I have gotten to see us walk through together so far.
Yes, it definitely had its fair share of awkward moments. We had to give my sister and her fiancé a gift from us… as in Jennifer and me… that was a first (luckily my mom was clutch, buying the gift and asking us to merely get a card). We had to wear nametags (that’s always strange). And she had to repeat over and over why she, as a girl from Lubbock, would choose to come to Texas A&M. By the end of the night, we were nothing short of exhausted.
If not for my brother, Dustin, and his incredible entertainment the whole evening, the party would not have been nearly so fun. What a blessing he is to my life.
God continues to teach me so much through this amazing woman. She blows me away.
Father, thank You for the shower. We both know men aren’t the most excited about things like that… but You made it wonderful. Daddy, thank You for Jennifer and all that You do through her. Thank You for taking hold of this relationship and continuing to bear Your fruit. Thank You for Dustin. Bless that friendship and brotherhood. Thank You for all those there. Make my heart as big as their’s.
And Lord, bless Courtney and Justin. I love them both so much. And after last weekend… I’m excited about this upcoming wedding.
Be glorified for ever and ever amen!
- Vengeful wrath sweeps the world as over a million Muslims take to streets because of Danish newspaper’s misrepresentation of Muhammad. see here- Russia shouts claims of new Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles that can hit any target in the world and cannot be stopped by any defense system [Russia’s closest Middle Eastern ally is Iran]. see here- Iranian President continues to claim Nazi Holocaust is nothing more than a “hoax” and forces oust of International Atomic Energy Agency workers to continue on in nuclear research. see here- Israel boldly states that they will not allow Iran [their greatest enemy] to gain nuclear capability and are willing to stop them at all costs. see here- Threat of the possible Avian Flu Pandemic continues to spread as Africa and Western Europe slaughter infected birds within their borders. see here- United States’ enconomy in danger of the collapse of the “housing bubble.” Fallout over a crash in United States’ real estate market could have terrible effects on the economy as a whole. see here - International banks shift reserve from the US dollar to the EU’s euro… undermining the dollar and opening doors to future dilemmas. see here “From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates.” The Christ in the Gospel According to Matthew 24:32,33 “There is a fourth form of meditation that is in some ways quite opposite of others. It is to meditate upon the events of our time and to seek to perceive their significance. We have a spiritual obligation to penetrate the inner meaning of events, not to gain power but to gain prophetic perspective…
This form of meditation is best accomplished with a Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other! You must not, however, be controlled by political clichés and propaganda fed us today. Actually, newspapers are generally far too shallow and slanted to be of much help. We would do well to hold the events of our time before God and ask for prophetic insight to discern where these things lead. Further, we should ask for guidance for anything we personally should be doing to be salt and light in our decaying and dark world.” Richard Foster in the Celebration of Discipline (my italics added)
I am not a prophet, but I wholeheartedly believe the early Church thought Christ would return in their lifetime. A simple reading through Acts and the Epistles will tell you that. Peter reminds fellow believers that maybe Christ won't be back quite yet, for "with the Lord one day is a thousand years and a thousand years as one day," as he comforts them in his final letter. Paul reminds the Thessalonians not to get ahead of themselves in both his letters.But what we must recognize is that it was healthy for them to believe in Christ’s soon return: it caused them to live life with a dramatic sense of missional urgency.
Christians commonly claim that Jesus could come at any time, yet few really sit and ponder the meaning of that statement.
A growing number believe His glorious return truly is around the corner. This may or may not be true. Either way I will believe in it. I will love the Lost knowing that time is short. I will share truth believing that greater persecution is on its way. I will praise my God knowing I may see Him enter through the clouds in a short while. And I will awake each morning knowing the battle is at hand.
I desire the first century's missional urgency.
We don’t have forever to love our neighbors. This war is already raging. There are no coincidences. These headlines may point to something. The Ecumenical Movement is at large. Previously unknown people groups are being saved. Aslan is on the move.
To You, oh Lord, we rally!
College Station at its finest
My roommates and I have decided that College Station is becoming the Chicken Finger Capital of the World. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that's right... this lovely, quaint town is on its way to the top.
My willingness to admit this has only recently begun. I am still the loyal fan of Pappy’s that many of you know me to be… but aside from that heaven on earth, C Stat manages to contain every fried powerhouse imaginable: Chick-fil-A (excellent nuggets and tenders), Whataburger (whose limited time only chicken tender sandwich deserves a mention), Chili’s (shall we say “chicken crispers”), Layne’s (a local favorite to all), soon to be Raising Cane’s (the original that Layne’s ripped off), and my personal favorite Chicken Express (nirvana).
College Station is already world famous for other great feats including: being almost equidistant from 3 of the top 10 largest cities in America; the birthplace of Freebirds and Double Dave’s; housing the Aggies; and producing a sickeningly large amount of pizza sticks.
This place is truly amazing. What a blessing it is to live here.
This Glorious Battle
Weeks ago, I wrote of a sunset moment. After a late phone conversation with Jennifer last night, we both agreed that that moment is over. In no way is this a complaint... but I will honestly say that if I had written just days ago, it would have been exactly that. Instead, I am honored, blessed, tired, and, deep down, somewhat excited about the setting of this season's sun to make way for a tough night.
The battle is on.
By the grace of God, this blog truly encompasses the journey that my heart has ventured on over the last few weeks. The last entry records exactly what I was finally reaching: a greater passion in my prayer life, a greater thankfulness in my love for the Lord, a stronger will to pray boldly, and a throbbing ache to intercede on behalf of those I love, the Body and the Lost.
Weeks of God’s refueling and encouragement had led me to that moment. My time in the Word was consistent and fruitful and my love for our Father and others overwhelming. God had built me up and then called me to pray. I was excited about this semester and the prayers that would bathe this campus from the saints He was guiding. I was excited to see what was coming.
And then he hit me, that Prince of the Power of the Air. That Deceiver and Enemy. That fallen Cherub and ancient Blasphemer. It seems Satan does not appreciate man’s focus on the One True King. And with that came blow after blow. Temptation I have never dealt with eventually gave birth to my sin. With that his minions attacked my confidence and my commitment to the Father, shouting claims in my ears that I was weak and unworthy.
On into the weekend their attacks came, and with them came earthly troubles. I got sick; I was tired; I forgot my mom’s birthday and could not make it home to celebrate (completely my fault); I was swamped with meetings and obligations; tests loomed around the corner; a speech was soon to be due (and even then, I misrecorded the date it was due… only to have to present two days earlier than anticipated), and I was in no mood to deal with any of this.
I was messing up a lot.
The sunset moment had ended.
But you know what? God is good.
In fact, He is so good, He managed and still manages to be glorified amidst this time of failure for me. He is so good that He still teaches me, encourages me, and reminds me that true rest will only be found in Him. He is so good that despite my evil and my weakness and the Enemy’s ability to knock my focus off, He still loves me and calls me to Himself!
The Evil One cannot, will not, could not, ever despite anything that is in him, keep me from my God!
For my Daddy loves me far too much.
So on this night, I celebrate the great God we serve and the glorious battle He calls each of us to. Satan would not attack us unless we were a threat to him… and we are only a threat because of the power of our Lord at work in us. He is using us! We are pushing back the darkness. Praise God!
Shout for joy! Praise the Lord! Our sin is washed away by the blood of the Lamb! We are His new creation!
Thank You, God, that we are forgiven. Thank You that nothing we can do will cause You to love us more or less. Thank You that we honor You by not sinning… and not win Your heart that way. Thank You that we are not to continue on in sin.
Thank You for Jennifer and her support in this dark time. Thank You for the laughter in the midst of night. Thank You for blessing my time with You. Thank You for all the brothers who have interceded on my behalf. May I in some way be there for them.
Your glory forever!