we are

We are from every tribe and every nation yet baptized by the same Spirit; parts of the same Body; branches on the same Vine. We are imitators of God. We are freed from the bonds of sin and still exiles in a fallen world, aliens wandering a country not our own. Yet, we are a holy nation, a royal priesthood, a noble race. We are hopeless yet believing, men of sorrows, acquainted with grief. We are destined to suffer and still destined to win. We are saved. By His power we cast out demons, heal the sick, and bind up the wounded. We are lovers of the unloved. Heralds of the coming King. Soldiers of Christ. Temples of the Holy Spirit. Adopted sons of the Father.
We are knit together in love. Unified in faith and knowledge. Bearers of one another’s burdens. Brothers for all eternity. We are co-heirs with the Son of God. We are nothing. We are His. And we are loved.
Awesome devo Derek. I hope you keep these up brother, I love reading them!