Prepare Ye The Way


Meeting with God in Austin

First, to all those who think this title is an oxymoron, the Lord certainly has revealed Himself to me in this “liberal bastion of Texas” many times throughout my life. In fact, I have never been to Austin since becoming a believer without our Father impacting me in a major, life-coaching way. Just for my blog’s sake, I am a firm moderate… I know many genuine, God-centered people who vote both liberally and conservatively.

And if I may, it is an atmosphere like Austin that I thrive on: a collision of all types of peoples, values, backgrounds and beliefs. It is in this atmosphere that I hope to serve my God, amongst humanity, amongst disorder, and amongst those who think “differently.” I find that those outside my socio-economic demographic are often far better at expressing love than I… something rarely taught growing up. Amidst this collision I want to rally beneath the banner of my God and shine the light of truthful love. His truthful love.

Enough about politics…

I just attended A&M’s
Abbott Family Leadership Conference. A five day trip of 35 delegates, their directors, and the Abbott family to listen to incredibly successful men and women speak on ethics, morals, service, and the importance of family throughout life.

This is not a faith based conference by any means… but it was hard for most speakers to hide the Foundation of their lives. We listened to non-profit workers, lawyers, doctors, reporters, our Chief Justice, corporation executives, a political think tank president, a Tutsi who fled the genocide of Rwanda, a retired brigadier-general, and the national assistant director of the Peace Corps. This renowned group of individuals all shared their desperate revere of ethics and a deep love for family. We heard advice of all sorts… and were given the opportunity to pick it apart, find what was good, and figure out our own core values.

The experience of a life-time.

Throughout the conference, we pondered many things:
- We collected hopeful family traditions for our future homes from the wide range of successful ideas presented.
- While walking through the Dell Plant, we discussed with each other why we should be born into these high society families, receive a college education, and embrace materialism while all these men and women stood on their feet all day assembling computers by hand.
- We then asked each other whether we should feel sorry for them… or if they rightfully feel sorry for us.
- We considered what types of futures looked most attractive to us and what really matters.
- We debated the use of expectations and how their misuse can spell disaster.
- We realized how undeserving we are and the desperate need to serve others the same way we have been served.
- We whispered of faith and the fact that those who are part of the Way cannot tell their story without mentioning it… because they would not have a story without it.
- And we heard countless “Top 5” or “Key 4” or “Vital 6” things necessary to be a successful leader from the men and women who spoke.

But the greatest revelation that I gained from this trip was understanding the adventure of a life that lies ahead, the fact that tomorrow will always be the best day of my life, and that I will never stop learning.

I realized, last weekend, that my life has far more in store than I imagined. I realized that just as a politician with an undergrad in political science and a JD after law school has a hard time truly representing the common citizen… I would have an even harder time relating to the lives of the Lost by only experiencing Texas A&M, seminary, and full time ministry.

So what is ahead? The Peace Corps? Teach for America? Europe? Asia? Corporate America?

I do not know where the Lord will take me, but I know He is sovereign and is leading me to every place He needs me most.

So, may I embrace Texas A&M for while He has me here and prayerfully await each new stride as it comes.

All for You, Lord. All for You.

4 Commentary:

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    By Blogger Derek, at 4:21 PM  

  • You have a heart for God,'s beautiful to see.

    By Blogger Brenton, at 12:52 PM  

  • I, for one, will always associate you and Austin with an equally challenging event, Youth WAVE. It was there God surrounded you with a diverse group of believers, young and old, all bent on sharing their story, God's story. You learned from an ecclectic group of experienced believers, walked among the people for whom you are called to share your story with, and then practiced what you learned... and you did. You were fortunate enough to see the power of God's story at work, coming from your lips, as in a river in the Austin city limits both you and the young man with you were eternally changed. With a resounding "Amen" I echo your thoughts, indeed, you truly have met God in Austin.

    By Blogger Matt Foster, at 3:10 PM  

  • It was great to that text from you while I was in Boston. Man, I had an amazing conversation with some other Christians from my school that were at the conference with me. I got to speak about something that you touched on during the opening of your blog, moderation. I have this theory I'm conducting on political affiliation. Jesus was a moderate man. He judged not. He saw the sides of all. He doesn't want us to be just conservative or just liberal. He wants us to see both sides and take them as they are. See the truth in issues and not the ones purposing them. I'm glad you enjoyed the conference.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:04 PM  

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