Prepare Ye The Way


Potential Awkwardness Turns Amazingly Awesome

Last night was a new adventure for Jennifer and I: we, as a pair, attended my sister’s couples bridal shower. What an experience.

See, for the first time, she met not only my grandparents but my neighbors, my childhood’s PTA moms, classic little league dads that had helped raise me, family friends full of embarrassing secrets, former elementary school teachers of mine, high school contemporaries anxious to know this “new girl” and adults who love me far more than I can ever imagine.

But the best part was I got to show her off to all of them.

I had the amazing blessing of parading her through a crowd of my most revered people and showing them the light that the Lord shines out from her! It was one of the greatest moments I have gotten to see us walk through together so far.

Yes, it definitely had its fair share of awkward moments. We had to give my sister and her fiancé a gift from us… as in Jennifer and me… that was a first (luckily my mom was clutch, buying the gift and asking us to merely get a card). We had to wear nametags (that’s always strange). And she had to repeat over and over why she, as a girl from Lubbock, would choose to come to Texas A&M. By the end of the night, we were nothing short of exhausted.

If not for my brother, Dustin, and his incredible entertainment the whole evening, the party would not have been nearly so fun. What a blessing he is to my life.

God continues to teach me so much through this amazing woman. She blows me away.

Father, thank You for the shower. We both know men aren’t the most excited about things like that… but You made it wonderful. Daddy, thank You for Jennifer and all that You do through her. Thank You for taking hold of this relationship and continuing to bear Your fruit. Thank You for Dustin. Bless that friendship and brotherhood. Thank You for all those there. Make my heart as big as their’s.

And Lord, bless Courtney and Justin. I love them both so much. And after last weekend… I’m excited about this upcoming wedding.

Be glorified for ever and ever amen!

4 Commentary:

  • Hey Derek! Long time no speak! I had no idea that you had a blog until i stumbled across your away message on AIM one day. Awesome stuff bro. Looks like God's blessing you in many's so good to see. Drop me a line sometime, i'd love to know how you're doing

    By Blogger Brenton, at 7:49 PM  

  • you are so funny!! there were so many people that LOVED you and they weren't that embarassing! It was such a great night and i wouldn't of had it any other way!! One of the highlights was seeing dustin 1. being the center of attention with all these college age guys 2. being asleep on the couch upstairs when the party was going on downstairs! Basically.. you are just pretty amazing.. :)

    By Blogger jenn, at 6:25 PM  

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    By Blogger jenn, at 6:25 PM  

  • Below are some additional events that do not receive the media attention one might thing they would merit:

    Is the evidence, both within Scripture and without, so lacking that we have lost our urgency and expectancy of His promises? Have we sought to rationalize and minimize these catastrophic events as merely those within the long line of history? Has our complacency and contentment turned to ignorance? How has our 'being content with all circumstances' helped these people one ioda? We're at a point in life where we can take risks...let's take hold the opportunity!
    Derek: keep digging brotha. I'll be waiting expectantly with you. Have a glorious day! Nate Dogg.

    "Now is our chance to choose the right side. God is holding back to give us that chance. It won't last forever. We must take it or leave it." -CS Lewis

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:34 AM  

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