Mountains in the Sky

I recently had the privilege of leaping from an airplane alongside a blessed older brother in the Faith. Though we hoped to do this months ago, he had patiently waited for me to raise the money (thanks to Christmas) and paid his price to take the 13,000 foot plunge with me. The cliché and often misused words like “incredible”, “awesome”, and “amazing” (which I know I previously used) are all that I can think to say when describing this adventure.
Anyone who has flown on an overcast day is fascinated by the feeling of lifting off from the dark, dreary earth; climbing into the blanket resting 7,000 or so feet up; and then breaking through into a brilliant blue sky. Well, one of my favorite parts is that we jumped on a completely overcast day.
The plane left the dreary earth. The plane climbed through the blanket at 7,000 feet. And the plane broke through into a brilliant blue sky.
Looking up at that dismal, grey sheet from the ground, there are few people who would describe the clouds as beautiful, magnificent, or glorious. Instead, the overcast sky appears to be holding you down, keeping out hope, and blocking you from the splendor you know is on the other side.
But looking down leaves the observer with a completely different perspective of those same clouds. My brother described them as “mountains in the sky.” I can think of no better words. They are whiter on the top and the blue contrasts them perfectly. In fact, they look beautiful, magnificent, and glorious. They look bold and powerful, standing in defiance to the heavens and attempting to hide that which lies beneath from anything above.
These clouds are deceptive things.
“And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.” The letter to the saints at Ephesus 2:1,2 (my italics added)
Paul uses an interesting name to describe Satan. Prince of the Power of the Air. He is the Angel of Deception. He is evil. He is real.
He fights to hold down non-believers and keep them from knowing our Redeemer. He wrestles to keep out the Church’s hope. And constantly, he battles to block the view believers have of the Splendor, Who is our God, beyond his clouds.
And still he always stands in defiance of the One True King. He deceives and appears as beautiful, magnificent, and glorious. To the weak, he seems bold and strong. But all under his oppression weep at the dismal view of his grey wall in the sky.
But I bring good tidings of great joy.
"Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself." Jesus speaking in the Gospel of John 12:31,32
He is risen! Our Savior lives! And He is not long in coming. He brings hope to the hopeless and sight to the blind! And He will cast out the one who tries to hide us from His watchful eyes!
Let us never forget our enemy… and all the more, never forget our King. His living water is free to all who accept Him. He seeks you and brings freedom from those clouds with Him. The prince of the power of the air will lose.
To finish my story, I got to do what my Master did 2,000 years ago. I jumped out and went down into those clouds. I fought through them, cold precipitation and all. I flew back down to this earth… and had to stop where He kept going. He never sinned, despite being fully man. He lived humbly, despite being fully God. He walked this dreary earth, bringing healing to all who came to Him. He fulfilled the Law in its greatest sense, was sacrificed for the sins of the world, conquered death, and rose again. By His blood, He redeems His children!
Praise You, Jesus! You are Messiah! Thank You, Father, for Him and thank You Spirit for letting me understand more and more everyday! Thank You for my brother Spencer (though different friend than the last entry) and the incredible blessing that our friendship is.
I love you, Lord.