Sunset Moments

A brother once told me that art is man’s most raw expression of genuine honesty. He said that a masterpiece overflows with its creator’s passions, beloveds, moods, thoughts, and perspectives. And the most amazing thing, this brother told me, is that the Great Artist displays the same things in all of creation. Our God’s passions, beloveds, moods, thoughts, and perspectives can be found in every corner of that which was formed by His hands.
Recently, while enjoying a breathtaking Texas sunset, I was overwhelmed by its manner of glorifying my Father and explaining a natural part of life: sunset moments.
I feel as though I am experiencing one of those right now. Everything around me is lit up in brilliant colors, screaming out the awesomeness of God. Life seems right, not perfect or content, but in so many ways, right. God is on the move and easily seen. Emotionally, He is in constant access. Friendships are growing and blessing all the more. A wonderful journey alongside an amazing woman of faith, Jennifer, is surpassing every dream. I am excited about leaping into the Word every day… and it speaks loudly to my heart. In so many ways, life seems right. But sunsets do not last forever… and in so many ways, that is what makes them beautiful.
After a long year of trials and weariness, this season of rest and excitement has been greatly appreciated, but we are not called to easiness. Somewhere amidst this post-modern, wealthy Americanism, the Church began to accept a gospel of personal success, happiness, three-car garages, and 3.86 member families. That is a false gospel.
We are called to “count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.” We chose to be “crucified with Christ.” We chose to “take up your cross” and die to ourselves. Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life! Wide is the gate and easy the road that leads to destruction!
“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith-- that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.” The letter to the saints at Philippi, 3:8-11 (my italics added)
I choose to die. God help us. In this late hour of humanity, I pray that He prepares us for battle. This sunset moment, no matter how beautiful, must be short-lived… because never will all things be right on this side of Heaven’s gates. This affluence and materialism will last only long enough to choke those willing to give in. Father, save me from my weakness.
Let me not get drunk on this world’s wine.
My drink pours from the greater Source.
God, thank You for the rest. Thank You for letting me see You. Prepare me for what is ahead. Tear down my wickedness. You know how I have given myself to be choked. Teach me from my mistakes.
Thank You for art and for a man like Spencer to show me how much more it can mean.
Your glory forever.
you are incredible.. simply incredible. thanks for your encouragement and the light you shine daily.