This Glorious Battle

Weeks ago, I wrote of a sunset moment. After a late phone conversation with Jennifer last night, we both agreed that that moment is over. In no way is this a complaint... but I will honestly say that if I had written just days ago, it would have been exactly that. Instead, I am honored, blessed, tired, and, deep down, somewhat excited about the setting of this season's sun to make way for a tough night.
The battle is on.
By the grace of God, this blog truly encompasses the journey that my heart has ventured on over the last few weeks. The last entry records exactly what I was finally reaching: a greater passion in my prayer life, a greater thankfulness in my love for the Lord, a stronger will to pray boldly, and a throbbing ache to intercede on behalf of those I love, the Body and the Lost.
Weeks of God’s refueling and encouragement had led me to that moment. My time in the Word was consistent and fruitful and my love for our Father and others overwhelming. God had built me up and then called me to pray. I was excited about this semester and the prayers that would bathe this campus from the saints He was guiding. I was excited to see what was coming.
And then he hit me, that Prince of the Power of the Air. That Deceiver and Enemy. That fallen Cherub and ancient Blasphemer. It seems Satan does not appreciate man’s focus on the One True King. And with that came blow after blow. Temptation I have never dealt with eventually gave birth to my sin. With that his minions attacked my confidence and my commitment to the Father, shouting claims in my ears that I was weak and unworthy.
On into the weekend their attacks came, and with them came earthly troubles. I got sick; I was tired; I forgot my mom’s birthday and could not make it home to celebrate (completely my fault); I was swamped with meetings and obligations; tests loomed around the corner; a speech was soon to be due (and even then, I misrecorded the date it was due… only to have to present two days earlier than anticipated), and I was in no mood to deal with any of this.
I was messing up a lot.
The sunset moment had ended.
But you know what? God is good.
In fact, He is so good, He managed and still manages to be glorified amidst this time of failure for me. He is so good that He still teaches me, encourages me, and reminds me that true rest will only be found in Him. He is so good that despite my evil and my weakness and the Enemy’s ability to knock my focus off, He still loves me and calls me to Himself!
The Evil One cannot, will not, could not, ever despite anything that is in him, keep me from my God!
For my Daddy loves me far too much.
So on this night, I celebrate the great God we serve and the glorious battle He calls each of us to. Satan would not attack us unless we were a threat to him… and we are only a threat because of the power of our Lord at work in us. He is using us! We are pushing back the darkness. Praise God!
Shout for joy! Praise the Lord! Our sin is washed away by the blood of the Lamb! We are His new creation!
Thank You, God, that we are forgiven. Thank You that nothing we can do will cause You to love us more or less. Thank You that we honor You by not sinning… and not win Your heart that way. Thank You that we are not to continue on in sin.
Thank You for Jennifer and her support in this dark time. Thank You for the laughter in the midst of night. Thank You for blessing my time with You. Thank You for all the brothers who have interceded on my behalf. May I in some way be there for them.
Your glory forever!
Moonlight has always intrigued me. The ancients were afraid of moonlight, it's where we get the word lunacy. I always look up at the moon, as it casts light down onto a dark world, wondering how it works. It offers no light of it's own, simply a reflection of the sun -- which doesn't make any sense, it's nothing but a dust covered rock. My prayer for you is that God will provide someone that can do just the same through your dark night, reflect the light of the Son, even when it doesn't make any sense. If I can be there in anyway, let me know. Blessings.