The Academy, Springtime, and Other Musings

My adventure to the Air Force Academy was nothing short of incredible. Oddly, it is hard for me to expand beyond that. I spent an entire plane ride staring out at Creation with my iPod blaring… and despite hours of conversation with God, I could not begin to wrap my arms around all He is teaching me.
I know I learned leadership techniques and methods of handling responsibility from the great speakers. I know that the Lord kindled my excitement for life after college and the experiences He will lead me through to prepare me for His work. I know that it was refreshing to be amongst the world and the Lost: loving those that need Him the most. And I know that it was restful to peacefully enjoy Him in the Word, in worship, in dialogue, and in silence at the Broadmoor.
Yet, returning to College Station, I realize again how much is taking place. How many people I want to hang out with; jobs I need to take care of; studies I need to stay up with; prayers I need to be praying… the list goes on and on. I realize again how many times I have screwed up this year; how many challenges I have failed at; how many people I have let down; and how out of control I feel like my life is.
And maybe that’s a good thing. In fact, I’m sure it is.
This year has been immensely humbling. I have seen how humanly weak of a person I am.
If it wasn’t for our Father’s grace, I really wouldn’t be anywhere. He is all that carries me through each day. He is my Sustainer, my Life, my Source, my Hope, my Forgiveness, my Passion, my Love, my Truth.
My Everything.
As the Lord often does, He spoke wisely through my roommate last night. Spencer told me, “Derek, this is not all yours to take care of. It would be impossible to micro-manage any of it. So wake up each day and remind the Lord how much you love Him. Tell Him how much you desire to show Him that love… even if you need His guidance in how to express it. Ask Him to help you love people. And with that, your day will be in order.”
Amen, Spence.
God is so good.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of a 40 day period of reflection, repentance, and preparation. Millions will be sharing in this season of Lent, taking stock in their lives and understanding where our Father needs to mold them and grow them, just as Christ did in the desert. Climactically, it will end with Holy Week, Passover, and the celebration of His resurrection on Easter!
My favorite time of year.
So, as springtime’s rays peek over the horizon, I expectantly await the incredible season ahead. Oh to see Him on the move.
Derek! So good to hear from you bro! Looks like you are getting some great life lessons this year, and doin a whole bunch of travellin. Lucky! I'm real excited that you're going to be in Houston this summer. You'll have to let me know what you're up to....the goof squad will have to reunite!
Man, I've just came off this awesome weekend with our youth at a rally. God has really re-ignited my desire to work with youth, and is teaching me so many things. Glad to hear that you're experiencing the same. Love ya bro.