Revive Us, Oh Lord
I have sat down at least 5 times to write this blog and each time to no avail. The swelling emotions in my heart never unfurl in audible words. There are a million thoughts I wish I could write about; a million causes for tearful prayer. My heart groans, yet words are hard to come by.
Father, speak through me. Grab hold of my hands and write Your truth. Express that which You make encumber my soul. All glory to You.
How easily the Enemy blinds our eyes. How effortlessly Satan distracts our intent. How simply the Deceiver misplaces our passion. How well the Prince of this world makes our stomachs hungry for that which does not satisfy.
I am tired of the attitude that often reigns in my heart. I am tired of seeking what does not fill and paying for what kills my love.
My heart is broken over the condition of the Church in America… particularly that of College Station. Oh how easy it is to miss the point completely!
I am not attempting to mimic the lament of pastors and lay ministers. I do not intend to sound like I am taking a stand. But I weep over that which I often see both inside and outside my heart.
I am as much or greater a sinner than anyone else. I am the first to let my pride bark down the truth that should lead my life. But, Church, look at our condition! Look at all of this! Look at what is taking place! See what the Enemy is doing!
Weeds tie our hands and keep us from loving our God! On one side we have believers that feel their sole duty in the Body is to call out their siblings! On the other side we have Christians basking in sin! People in this city find the Way to be trendy, while others have bought a false doctrine that certain sinning is actually trendy methodology to share Him. Some live without ever engaging the world around them. Many choose the road of complacency and their brothers and sisters offer no hand of help! We have attempted to simplify God and our pursuit of Him into infants’ terms and live life by the route of recommended “equations.” Men and women claim to love God as long as they make sure to do a quite time.
And all the while, everyone yells at each other claiming their path to be the best!
Woe is we! Woe is we who have chosen to rewrite the Call! Woe who get drunk on this world’s wine: the idolatry, the gluttony, the complacency, the condemnatory, the disunity, the prideful ness, the trends, the “equations” for success, and the pitiful pursuit of the One who desires our love!
And what of love, Church? What of the very root of all that we are to be about?
What of your Father? When did you last love on Him?
What of your neighbor? When did you last love on them?
Let the Word be our guide. Let our motives be pure. Let us all know that we will never have every answer and the most important thing we can do, above all else, is to love God and love our neighbor. It is on those two commands the Law is hinged. As we love God, let us show our faith in action. As we love our neighbor, let us show our faith in action. Never for our glory, only for His.
Revival, Lord, that is what I ask for, both within and without me. Sin is not okay. Perfection is not what you require. But, Daddy, I pray that I am obsessed with You. And as I love You, let me get better and better at that love.
Love. Faith. Relationship. Growth. Challenge. Communication. Purpose. Passion. Ministry. Unity. Fire. Battle. Love.May this attitude reign in Your Body's heart.
Jennifer and I
This year has been full of amazing glimpses of the Lord our God and His masterful plan. He is so good! Last semester, He knit together the wonderful relationship that Jennifer and I share. In fact, it is four months ago today that I answered His call to begin pursuing Jenn. What a journey it has been! She is one of the most incredible women of God I have ever met. 
We've had a lot of fun, a lot of laughs, learned a lot about our Father, and even learned a lot about eachother and ourselves. God has been real gracious. She's been real patient. And it's all been real good.
The Continental Roommates
Collegeiate life brings with it countless unique experiences. Amongst those is the paradoxial living situation that every thrifty student knows: roommates. In my case, the Lord has shown grace far beyond what I could have ever hoped for and given me the opportunity to live life with three incredible brothers.
Spencer, Daniel, and Nick (from left to right) are my family, my supporters, my prayer warriors, my fathers, my mothers, my comedy, my encouragement, my heroes, and some of the best of friends. Each has been given individual talents that complement another's weaknesses. As mentioned in a previous post, Spencer taught me the power of art and God's glory in Creation. In the same way, Nick and Dan have opened my eyes to so many things and impressed their wisdom on my life. All glory to our God, for it is He who unites us.
Our house is known to many as the Continental (a name Spencer came up with and was gladly accepted by all). We had the great chance to spend months praying over this home: asking God to provide it and then asking Him to fill it with Himself. We prayed that our house would overflow with His presenece and be welcoming to all who enter. We desired, and still desire, all visitors to feel His love... whether they recognize it or not. And God has honored our requests. This house has become a sanctuary for all, a place of peace and joy to everyone. Praise Him in the highest! Praise Him for this family here in College Station! Praise Him for brothers.
Short of the Lord, my greatest love: my family. My brother Dustin, my sister Courtney, Mom, and Dad. All mean so much to me. All make me laugh. In fact, all laugh loud... and that's a good thing. They are amazing, every one of them.In this picture we're hanging out at the happiest place on earth: Disney World (<-- I could write a whole blog on that). I'm sure you'll be hearing more about this family in upcoming posts.
Mountains in the Sky
The sensation of free-fall is entirely what I anticipated and still entirely different. It lacks the stomach lurch that takes place when you jump off a cliff, roof, or diving board; but completely feels like the imagined process that we all have pictured when watching countless actors skydive in those summer blockbusters. Either way, it’s simply amazing.
I recently had the privilege of leaping from an airplane alongside a blessed older brother in the Faith. Though we hoped to do this months ago, he had patiently waited for me to raise the money (thanks to Christmas) and paid his price to take the 13,000 foot plunge with me. The cliché and often misused words like “incredible”, “awesome”, and “amazing” (which I know I previously used) are all that I can think to say when describing this adventure.
Anyone who has flown on an overcast day is fascinated by the feeling of lifting off from the dark, dreary earth; climbing into the blanket resting 7,000 or so feet up; and then breaking through into a brilliant blue sky. Well, one of my favorite parts is that we jumped on a completely overcast day.
The plane left the dreary earth. The plane climbed through the blanket at 7,000 feet. And the plane broke through into a brilliant blue sky.
Looking up at that dismal, grey sheet from the ground, there are few people who would describe the clouds as beautiful, magnificent, or glorious. Instead, the overcast sky appears to be holding you down, keeping out hope, and blocking you from the splendor you know is on the other side.
But looking down leaves the observer with a completely different perspective of those same clouds. My brother described them as “mountains in the sky.” I can think of no better words. They are whiter on the top and the blue contrasts them perfectly. In fact, they look beautiful, magnificent, and glorious. They look bold and powerful, standing in defiance to the heavens and attempting to hide that which lies beneath from anything above.
These clouds are deceptive things.
“And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.” The letter to the saints at Ephesus 2:1,2 (my italics added)
Paul uses an interesting name to describe Satan. Prince of the Power of the Air. He is the Angel of Deception. He is evil. He is real. He fights to hold down non-believers and keep them from knowing our Redeemer. He wrestles to keep out the Church’s hope. And constantly, he battles to block the view believers have of the Splendor, Who is our God, beyond his clouds.
And still he always stands in defiance of the One True King. He deceives and appears as beautiful, magnificent, and glorious. To the weak, he seems bold and strong. But all under his oppression weep at the dismal view of his grey wall in the sky.
But I bring good tidings of great joy.
"Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself." Jesus speaking in the Gospel of John 12:31,32
He is risen! Our Savior lives! And He is not long in coming. He brings hope to the hopeless and sight to the blind! And He will cast out the one who tries to hide us from His watchful eyes!
Let us never forget our enemy… and all the more, never forget our King. His living water is free to all who accept Him. He seeks you and brings freedom from those clouds with Him. The prince of the power of the air will lose.
To finish my story, I got to do what my Master did 2,000 years ago. I jumped out and went down into those clouds. I fought through them, cold precipitation and all. I flew back down to this earth… and had to stop where He kept going. He never sinned, despite being fully man. He lived humbly, despite being fully God. He walked this dreary earth, bringing healing to all who came to Him. He fulfilled the Law in its greatest sense, was sacrificed for the sins of the world, conquered death, and rose again. By His blood, He redeems His children!
Praise You, Jesus! You are Messiah! Thank You, Father, for Him and thank You Spirit for letting me understand more and more everyday! Thank You for my brother Spencer (though different friend than the last entry) and the incredible blessing that our friendship is.
I love you, Lord.
Sunset Moments
A brother once told me that art is man’s most raw expression of genuine honesty. He said that a masterpiece overflows with its creator’s passions, beloveds, moods, thoughts, and perspectives. And the most amazing thing, this brother told me, is that the Great Artist displays the same things in all of creation. Our God’s passions, beloveds, moods, thoughts, and perspectives can be found in every corner of that which was formed by His hands.
Recently, while enjoying a breathtaking Texas sunset, I was overwhelmed by its manner of glorifying my Father and explaining a natural part of life: sunset moments.
I feel as though I am experiencing one of those right now. Everything around me is lit up in brilliant colors, screaming out the awesomeness of God. Life seems right, not perfect or content, but in so many ways, right. God is on the move and easily seen. Emotionally, He is in constant access. Friendships are growing and blessing all the more. A wonderful journey alongside an amazing woman of faith, Jennifer, is surpassing every dream. I am excited about leaping into the Word every day… and it speaks loudly to my heart. In so many ways, life seems right. But sunsets do not last forever… and in so many ways, that is what makes them beautiful.
After a long year of trials and weariness, this season of rest and excitement has been greatly appreciated, but we are not called to easiness. Somewhere amidst this post-modern, wealthy Americanism, the Church began to accept a gospel of personal success, happiness, three-car garages, and 3.86 member families. That is a false gospel.
We are called to “count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.” We chose to be “crucified with Christ.” We chose to “take up your cross” and die to ourselves. Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life! Wide is the gate and easy the road that leads to destruction!
“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith-- that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.” The letter to the saints at Philippi, 3:8-11 (my italics added)
I choose to die. God help us. In this late hour of humanity, I pray that He prepares us for battle. This sunset moment, no matter how beautiful, must be short-lived… because never will all things be right on this side of Heaven’s gates. This affluence and materialism will last only long enough to choke those willing to give in. Father, save me from my weakness. Let me not get drunk on this world’s wine.
My drink pours from the greater Source.
God, thank You for the rest. Thank You for letting me see You. Prepare me for what is ahead. Tear down my wickedness. You know how I have given myself to be choked. Teach me from my mistakes.
Thank You for art and for a man like Spencer to show me how much more it can mean.
Your glory forever.
Another Chance
The first post was an introduction and, being in the mood to stretch my limbs and start this journey of "blogging," I guess I'll give this a try.
The beginnings of a semester. The beginnings of a year. The beginnings of a blog. The beginnings...
Every beginning is a culmination of excitement, attempted goal-setting, a hint of anxiety (or often more than a hint...), guesses, dreams, saddness, happiness, hope, death, and life. A season, of some sort, has ended to give birth to this new one. The beginning is the posterboy of mixed feelings. In college, there are a wide range of responses when asked how one feels about the new semester. Some are eccstatic while others are afraid. But that is the beauty of humanity: no two people are the same.
Despite this difference, none can ignore that all will experience similar emotions throughout the course of the next four months. At some point, we will all laugh, tear up, shout, whisper, dread, look forward to, and whine.
Now, where these two thoughts collide (all people are different yet we experience similar emotions) is the very heartbeat of the Church.
Never has God, since the establishment of the Church, chosen to just use one man or woman to shine His light to the world. We are a unit. We are a body. We are to function as one.
Our similar experiences draw us together while our differences cause the team to excell in all tasks. Like puzzle pieces, a brother's strength connects to a sister's weakness or vice versa.
"... speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love." The Letter to the saints at Ephesus, 4: 15, 16.
I pray that this semester the Lord revive His saints here in College Station. Let the Enemy fall. Seek the Lord. Quit being choked by the desires of this world. Quit being "trendy." Start serving.
Another beginning. Another chance
Grace be with us as we build up in love.
The Genesis
Jim Elliot once wrote, "What is written in these pages I suppose will someday be read by others than myself. For this reason I cannot hope to be absolutely honest in what is herein recorded, for the hypocrisy of this shamming heart will ever be putting on a front and dares not to have written what is actually found in its abysmal depths. Yet, I pray, Lord, that You will make these notations to be as nearly true to fact as is possible so that I may know my own heart and be able to definitely pray regarding my gross, though often unviewed, inconsistencies."
Father, I pray the same. May my words be of honesty.
Weblogs. I am not one to give in to cultural trends and be driven by winds of deceptive popularity, or at least I tell myself so. I figure that is why I have not yet joined. But, after considering the potential of putting thoughts and prayers to "paper" and the coaxing of two amazing friends, my own blog begins.
So, herein will lie my ramblings, my commentary, my excitements, my passions, a few tears… and a hopeful view of my heart. I pray that the Lord will be glorified by it in every way.