Busyness, Rest, and Skiing

The last few weeks have been wonderful. The Lord continues to grow me in immense ways. They were incredibly busy… far busier than any other time this semester. Work on a campaign, that starts next week, kept our team up till 2:00 am every night. It was intense. But it sure was fun. Those amazing people challenge me to a higher level of achievement and integrity than I have ever realized. Each of them humbles me in countless ways. I’m real excited about this campaign. More on that later.
After two weeks of hard work, and an often side-tracked priority list, I returned to Katy for a weekend of recouperation before this ski trip with the Fish Aides. It was great. God brought me home, rested me up, blessed me with an immensely fulfilling time with my family, made time for a lot of laughs, and drew me deeper and deeper into Himself. He refocused and revitalized my prayer life and got me excited about enjoying Him up here in the Rockies.
So, as I get back to this awesome vacation, I ask for your prayers. Pray that the Lord bless my time with these great friends. Pray that He bless our conversations and be glorified in all that we do. I want to see His fingerprints on this week when I look back. What a mighty God we serve! Pray that God continue to focus my heart on Him… because when I get back, things will not be any easier.
For now is a season of busyness and one that I cannot, for the moment, get out of. So may I enter it with my heart set wholly on loving Him and loving people. May His truth and His grace be made known.
Make Yourself known. Let us glow with Your love and presence. Be glorified!
I love you, Daddy.